
Showing posts from December, 2018

Medical Examinations That Most People Need

One of the effective ways of keeping your body's health at par is having regular medical screening. The best way to make you understand it better is imagining it as a basic car maintenance. Similar to the way you check the car engine, oil and tire pressure to keep it running safe, you get the same benefits with medical screening. In other words, there are key aspects of body and health that you need to know to stay safe and sure. Here is a look at some of the health areas that need your full attention. Level of cholesterol Cholesterol constitutes of fatty protein that mainly builds up in the arteries. The more you consume foods with high cholesterol, the higher the chances of having more cholesterol build-up in the arteries. Therefore, it is essential to know the amount of cholesterol that may be present on your arteries to avoid future or unexpected health implications such as heart attacks or high blood pressure. Consequently, add this to your medical list from today and w

You Need To Go For Medical Check Up Once In A While

Perusing through health magazines, articles or even attending health forums have one thing in common: the emphasis for regular medical check-up to enhance a healthy lifestyle. In as much as you may be living a healthy lifestyle by doing such things as eating a balanced diet, exercising, taking plenty of water and the like, it is still not enough to guarantee you that everything is alright. As you read on, you will realize that medical check-up is something to count on. People in need of the service Although research indicates that many people are opting to cut down on medical expenses due to the global financial recession - as per recent studies - medical check-up is for everyone regardless of age, sex or health. Many medical experts who share some of the essential medical insights admit that visiting the doctor regularly for health check-up is fundamental to a complete health lifestyle. As a matter fact, pay a doctor a visit is something that you personally owe yourself as well

Why Take A No Exam Life Insurance Policy

Ever considered taking up a life term insurance cover and had to evaluate the merits of taking a no exam life insurance policy over taking one with a medical exam? As much as there are some few disadvantages of picking up this option, the package offers numerous benefits to its consumer. Some of these advantages are as listed below. Less time is required to get coverage Since there are no physical examinations and regular visits by the doctors, time is a key advantage as compared to life term insurance covers that require exams. Some terms that incorporate exams may take ages for approval since regular health check-ups are necessary to evaluate your health status. The results of the physical examinations determine the rate to charge. Simpler process For covers that include exams, the process is at times tedious and complex since many reports submissions are necessary for analysis. However, where examination is not involved, the process is less since the paperwork is minimal.

Why Go For No Medical Exam Life Insurance Quotes

Whether it your lifestyles, occupations, illness, long procedures, tiresome paper work or simply your fear of needles that is holding you back from buying that insurance life policy that you have always wanted, there is some good news. Though expensive, going for a no medical exam life insurance is an equally attractive option especially if you do not want to go through the hassle of waiting for a coverage that might never get approved in the long run just because you are a sky diver or a sumo wrestler, who is at the brink of death. Below are some of the reasons why you should go for this beneficial option: Urgency As compared to the traditional life insurance policy that require a medical exam report for the quote to be approved, a no medical exam insurance policy is by far faster and time required to get through with the policy is less. This is because of the abandonment of long procedures that may be required (at times up to three physical exams). Traditional life insurance c

Tips for Saving on Insurance Plans That Do Not Involve Medical Exams

Insurance carriers use multiple guidelines to determine insurance rates. It can be confusing having to peruse through a list of figures provided on the quote and determining exactly where you fall. State regulators place restrictions on how often a company gets to change its rates. Therefore, insurance companies have an obligation to inform the regulators when they are planning to undertake any major changes to products or their pricing structure. Therefore, you can expect the prices to remain constant in the short-term. Knowing how much a plan will cost is important because it will help you determine whether you can afford to pay over the long-term. Some of the tips of saving on a non-medical insurance plan include: · Buy insurance early Age is a big factor often used by insurance companies to determine premiums. Younger people often get cheaper rates because the provider assumes they are less risky, taking into consideration the mortality rate. Therefore, it is advisable to bu

Tips for Shopping For an Insurance Plan

It is advisable to exercise due diligence when shopping for life insurance. A good plan can make a significant difference between your family thriving and surviving. Many people consider the subject of insurance a complicated affair. However, by following a few simple tips, you will be headed towards getting a plan that takes caters for your future financial needs. When you know your needs and choose the right service provider, you will no doubt get the right plan for you. Some of the helpful tips that can help you get the right plan include: Determine your need Before buying a plan, with the assistant of an insurance professional, perform a need analysis in order to determine the exact amount of insurance you require. This will go a long way in ensuring the lifestyle of your loved ones is sustained, even when you are no more. A need analysis will also help you choose the right type of plan. The type of plan is influenced by the length of time you hope to have insurance coverage

Reasons That May Force You To Go For No Medical Examination Life Insurance

There are very many life insurance policies out there that would fit people of different age groups, professions, and even family responsibilities; it all depends on what one is looking for. The insurance providers can never fail to provide you with a package that will suit your needs, and therefore, going to them for assistance before signing up for any policy would be the best thing to do. Having the above information in mind, it is common to find many people falling under the category of no medical examination life insurance, and a few factors have to be in play to guarantee one a good choice in this insurance policy, some of them include: If it is an emergency There are many reasons why an individual would want to acquire life insurance in a hurry, and the reasons would be as many as would seek to apply for this policy, therefore there is not enough space here to list them all. One of the most common reasons however, would be that an individual has come to a point where

How To Get The Best Senior Life Insurance Policy Quotes

As people grow old, they begin to slow down a bit, whether it is with the pace at which they use to walk from one point to another, or even with the pace at which they want to invest, or acquire property and other expensive items. They get to an age where they have experienced a lot of what this life has to offer, and their greatest need is usually finding a place to kick back and relax. One thought that is sure to cross the minds of such senior citizens is that they have lived longer than they expect to live, and that they will soon get to an age where they would not mind resting for eternity. One thing that such people always do is look out for their children and grand children, something that they have done all their lives, the only difference is that they set up a plan of how to take care of their dependants, even when they have departed from this life. The best way to take care of people even without being physically present is through the senior life insurance policy, and he

No Medical Exam Life Insurance For Seniors - The Advantages That Lie With This Insurance Policy

Every insurance policy has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is very important for an individual to do proper research, and seek for advice from professionals, concerning which policy is best for them and which will not work for them. The no medical exam life insurance for seniors is one of the most popular insurance policies among the senior citizens, and here are some reasons that contribute towards its becoming so popular: People can acquire such policies even beyond 65 years of age It is quite difficult to find an insurance company with a policy that targets people beyond the age of 65 years. The reason for this is that such people are well beyond the life expectancy of most nations; therefore, such people are not expected to contribute for longer, since they have lived a full life. Furthermore, insurance companies want to maximize with regard to the amount that they receive in terms of payments, meaning that they would rather have clients who have a bright future ahe

Whole Life Insurance Quotes - Getting To Understand What This Insurance Is All About

As the name suggests, whole life insurance is an insurance policy where an individual, who is referred to as a contributor, pays a particular amount of money to an insurance company for as long as he or she is alive. The idea here is to provide a way out for people who depend on the contributor's income to continue with their activities and meet their financial obligations, even after the contributor has passed on. Whole life insurance has several plans that an individual can follow, and it is up to the contributor to choose the plan that works best for him or her, and the one that will greatly benefit his or her dependants. Here are three plans that can work for you. 1. The traditional whole life insurance policy The good thing about this policy is that you will never have to pay more money with time, meaning that there are no renewals or conversions required. Furthermore, if you get to a point in life that you need a loan to begin a project or fund an existing one, it

Life Insurance For Seniors - Reasons Why You Cannot Afford To Retire Without This Insurance Plan

The most successful people we have in society today are those who know how to prioritize. Many people get it wrong when they try to do very many things at the same time, or when some decide to never try anything, and they end up being lazy and sad. When making decisions, the most successful people always know that family comes first, and especially if the other members of the family depend on them when it comes to financial support, leadership as well as security. With time, successful people realize that the needs of their dependants will still remain, but they will surely pass on from this life, to the next. The best way to handle such a situation is to enroll in a life insurance scheme, which will continue on meeting an individual's financial obligations, long after he or she has died. Here are reasons why you cannot afford to retire without applying for the life insurance for seniors policy: 1. You are sure that your beneficiaries will be well taken care of There is no

Tips for Choosing the Right Seniors Plan

Life insurance is not necessarily a simple product. Therefore, it is advisable for insurance shoppers to do their homework and talk to the right professionals before buying a plan. Nevertheless, there are different reasons why people buy insurance, including providing financial support to survivors, settling debt or catering for the last expenses (including medical expenses and burial expenses). Some opt to buy insurance after their children are all grown or when they retire. If you are interested in paying your beneficiaries, perhaps to leave cash benefits or to support a disabled relative, a permanent policy is a good idea. Therefore, being clear why you require insurance is very important. Senior citizens like everybody else need insurance. The factors to consider when buying senior life insurance include: Cost Your needs and financial goals should determine the type of plan that is right for you. However, the choice of product trickles down to your budget. Therefore, if

Common Types of Permanent Life Insurance

There are 3 common types of permanent insurance are namely, the whole life, universal, and variable. The permanent plan provides insurance coverage for the entire life of the policyholder. This type of plan is gaining prominence in the market place because it makes a good financial investment, in addition to providing attractive death benefits to the beneficiaries. A portion of every premium paid goes into an account which builds a tax-deferred "cash value". The beneficiaries receive death benefits when the policyholder dies, as long as the premiums were submitted. This type of policy is predictable, most of the times, because the premiums are fixed over the life of the policyholder. Whole life policy The whole life policy offers a fixed premium, guaranteed return on cash value and guaranteed death benefit, which makes it a straightforward form of permanent policy. However, because these guarantees cannot fluctuate, the whole life policy is often more expensive.

Should You Opt For Whole Life Insurance?

Since the annual premiums payable with the whole life policy are high, often costing about 10 times that of term policies, it is important to consider the other available options carefully. Fortunately, by comparing different whole life insurance quotes you can find a plan that has been priced competitively. If you have dependants, including a spouse, children and parent(s) who could suffer financially in the event of your untimely death, then a whole life policy is a good idea. If you do not have dependants, but you are interested in supporting a cause that you approve, a whole life policy has the ability to channel significant cash benefits to the preferred charity of choice. Financial support The main reason why you should consider buying a whole life policy is to ensure your loved ones receive financial support, in the event of your untimely death. This will go a long way in ensuring the lifestyle of your dependants is maintained. A good policy will ensure some of your

Why No Medical Exam Life Insurance Is Popular Today

Getting a life insurance quote is easy today, and anyone interested in doing this will get a quote that will suit him. However, there are those people who are either impatient or have certain reasons why they cannot take up a medical exam, which is vitally important when it comes to being given a life insurance cover. In the United States, the popularity of this life insurance is on the rise due to a number of reasons, and this article tries to describe why many people are not interested in taking the medical exams that insurance companies require. Although life insurance covers that have a medical exam are quite cheap compared to their counterparts, there are still people finding it better to have the above life insurance. Here is why. Getting a cover that requires a medical exam takes too long One of the biggest reasons why people do not prefer the medical checkup way is because of the time it takes to have the process done and the time it takes to have the reports made. Peopl

How You Can Save On the No Medical Exam Life Insurance Plan

Life is expensive and if like most people you are looking for ways to save on your insurance costs, there are some tips that can help. With the easy availability of information, there are ways to find high quality and affordable life insurance and you should take advantage of the options available. Being able to access free quotes will help you to save right from the start when shopping for insurance. You can also learn the differences between the insurance policies available. Be an informed shopper Information is power and the more you know about the options available, the easier it will be to make the best decision. You can find the rates and coverage that are most suitable for your age and personal circumstances. Whatever your income level or age, you can find ways to save money by being an informed shopper. Getting information will help you to find a policy and insurer that fits your needs. Look into different plans and shop around to save money on your purchase. Consider

Advice to Help You Buy Affordable No Medical Exam Life Insurance

The moment that you have someone depending on you for financial support is when you know the decision to buy life insurance is out of your hands. If you are your family's breadwinner, buying life insurance is important because anything can happen and your dependents can find themselves without you. While no one wants to think about premature death, the fact is that it happens often and it helps to know that your family is protected financially. The following money-saving tips will help you to buy coverage that will suit your needs without spending too much. The earlier you buy the insurance the better The best way to take advantage of low prices is to buy insurance early enough. Do not wait until you are old to start shopping for the insurance. The fact is that the sooner you realize the need to purchase insurance coverage the better off you will be. Someone young and healthy will get the most favorable rates because insurers agree that this is someone less likely to die tha

Factors to Consider When Buying No Medical Exam Life Insurance

The cost of some insurance plans can be very prohibitive. It is advisable to shop around to get an affordable no medical exam life insurance plan. Making positive lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, kicking away your smoking habits or managing your health problem with medication can get you a cover with better rates. It is important to give honest answers in your application form. Do not lie, perhaps about your weight, height or health to save you money. If the insurance company discovers you have not been truthful, this can lead to an automatic decline. Worse still, the carrier can refuse to honor future claims. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to be accurate up front. Application process Insurance companies allow buyers to use various channels to make their application. If you are interested in buying a medically underwritten plan, you will be required to take a medical exam. For this reason, you may need to visit your medical doctor or the insurance company can send a

Basics of Obtaining No Medical Exam Life Insurance Quotes

Life insurance companies allow buyers to get insurance for themselves or for other people, as long as insurable interest exists. Generally, insurable interest exists between parents and children, spouses and siblings. If you rely on someone for financial support, an insurable interest exists. If you have parents who will depend on you to pay their final expenses, including medical bills, burial and funeral expenses, you may consider buying a cover on your parents. No medical insurance plans are recommended highly for persons with preexisting medical conditions and/or persons who are in urgent need of insurance. The basics of obtaining no medical exam life insurance plan include: Apply for insurance These insurance plans are increasingly becoming better options because they allow for a quick application process. The application process allows you to get no medical exam life insurance quotes. Insurance shoppers can make their application online or through the phone. The applicatio

Tips for Getting An Affordable No Exam Life Insurance Policy

The purchase of a no exam life insurance plan is an important decision, particularly for people who have previously been denied the traditional life policy. If you have dependents, such as a spouse, children, parents or grandparents, it is advisable to get insurance coverage as soon as possible. Buying enough coverage can go a long way in providing financial support for your loved ones, in the event of your untimely death. Many people assume the cover they receive through their employee benefit plan is good enough. However, most of the group covers do not provide enough coverage. Therefore, it is advisable to consider buying an additional cover. The tips for getting an affordable plan include: Shop seriously for insurance These plans are more expensive than the traditional insurance plans. Therefore, it makes a lot of economic sense to shop for this kind of plans. By visiting several independent brokers' websites and talking to several independent agents, you will discover t

Why Insurers Are Recommending No Medical Exam Life Insurance Plans for the Masses

The right policy can provide financial protection for your loved ones. Shopping for life insurance can be very challenging because there are many insurance options available in the market. Nevertheless, different types of policies fall into two main categories: Term life policy and Whole life policy. Furthermore, insurance buyers have the option of choosing between no medical and medically underwritten plans. The former ones are increasingly becoming a popular option for most people because of the convenience they offer. There are many reasons why no medical exam life insurance plans make a practical option: Preexisting medical conditions If you have been denied traditional insurance because of a health history and/or preexisting medical condition you do not have to remain uninsured. Such a plan offers a great alternative because the insurance carrier does not require a medical exam to base his decision. However, some of the carriers may require applicants to respond to several

Importance of Comparing No Medical Exam Life Insurance Quotes

There are different types of life insurance plans available in the marketplace. The process of finding the right plan can be very challenging. If you visit insurance brokerage brokers or contact an independent insurance broker, you will discover that they deal with multiple insurance companies. As the saying goes, 'an insurance policy is just as good as the company'. Therefore, it is important to take the time and compare different offers from different companies. The importance of comparing no medical exam life insurance quotes include: Get cheaper rates No medical exam insurance plans are often more expensive compared with medically underwritten plans. Carriers argue since they are not able to know the health status of an applicant they are in effect taking up greater risks. Therefore, companies seek to secure their position by charging high rates. Comparing the quotes from different insurance carriers allows you to find a product that has been priced competitively. Fu

What Is So Good About the No Medical Exam Life Insurance Policy?

Most insurance providers require the results of a medical exam to determine the health status of an applicant. A medical exam seeks to get blood & urine samples, blood pressure, height and weight. For those who have a problem undergoing a medical exam, perhaps due to personal or religious reasons, this insurance plan offers a better alternative. Furthermore, if you have a health issue that you feel is likely to hold you back from getting approval, contact an insurance company that provides the no medical exam life insurance policy. Nevertheless, the secret lies in finding the right insurance carrier to secure a plan with. These policies are pain-free and have a speedy turnaround time. Some of the issues with the plans include: Setbacks Insurance carriers can be extremely strict about background history, medical conditions and the age of the applicant. Furthermore, many of the insurance providers place a limit of the amount of insurance coverage an applicant gets, often rangi

No Medical Exam Life Insurance - Acquiring the Plans Without Pressure

Life insurance is recommended for all people, including men, women, young children and senior citizens. It helps a great deal in providing financial protection to loved ones in the event of your premature death. A good policy can give you peace of mind knowing the lifestyle of your family will be maintained, even when you are no longer there to accomplish that mission. Furthermore, it ensures all debt, including your mortgage, are paid off. Therefore, your dependents will not have to lose their home nor will they struggle repaying debt. No exam life insurance remains to be a popular option for people who have preexisting medical conditions and people who are unwilling and/or unable to undergo a medical exam. The plan can be purchased through various channels, including: Insurance brokerage websites If you go online, you will discover many brokerage websites that help insurance shoppers to shop and get insurance quotes based on the information they submit. By selecting the type

Benefits Of No Exam Life Insurance Cover

If you are too reluctant to take life cover for yourself and family, you may want to consider a no exam life insurance cover. This policy has come to the rescue of many persons who previously had problems with acquiring the old traditional policy that came along with great procedures and requirements for approval. The policy is also widely available and many companies have made it their priority to provide the public with the best services on the market. Below are reasons why you may want to take this cover: No medical exams This is the most appealing advantage when it comes to the policy. As the name suggests plainly medical exams have been scraped away so as not to bar anyone with any severe medical condition from applying. Companies offering the old traditional policy, are less likely to grant cover to individuals who are suffering death threatening conditions such as cancer. Quick response and approval This goes without saying, with scrapping away of those lengthy, com

Questions To Ask When Buying the No Exam Life Insurance Policy

Life insurance offers an ideal opportunity to set aside some money for a rainy day. It helps in providing financial support after losing a job and granting you the ideal opportunity to continue living your life as you search for another job. A good plan also comes handy in the event of your untimely death. Therefore, your loved ones will not have to be driven to a state of desperation, unable to meet their basic needs because of having lost an important source of income. If you have been denied insurance in the past because of a health problem or perhaps you are unwilling and/or unable to undergo a medical exam, you may consider investing in a good no exam life insurance policy. The questions you need to ask before investing in such a plan include: How much insurance do I need? One of the greatest financial decisions you will ever make in your life is that of investing in a good life insurance policy. Unfortunately, many people assume insurance is an unnecessary cost, while othe

Why People Are Taking Up No Medical Exam Life Insurance

Although generally expensive when compared to the old traditional life insurance cover, taking up a no medical exam life insurance cover is appealing to many not only because of its convenience but also because of its flexibility and benefits that it comes along with. People who have been barred from taking cover from the old policy should consider approaching this policy due to the numerous merits that it comes with. Health Status A person suffering from a death threatening health condition such as cancer is less likely to be insured by a company offering the old traditional policy since the probability of the risk happening is higher. Thus, the company does not want to suffer the loss. However, this policy does not limit anyone, no matter their health condition, though the premiums are higher to cover the risk. Urgency Do you want the cover given to you fast? You do not have to be worried. Whereas taking a cover through the traditional policy may take you up to even 3 mont

Can Your Driving Record Affect Your No Medical Exam Life Insurance Rates?

When you are buying life insurance, you have to think about all the factors that influence the rates and type of policy that you get. It is important to do your homework so that you can get the best policy available for your budget. One thing that you need to know is that several factors can affect the rates that you get. Your driving record can influence the insurance premiums that you pay. If you have a poor record, many insurance providers will consider this fact when giving you a quote. Simplified application Fortunately, you can get a policy where your driving record may not work against you. When you buy a no medical exam life insurance, you go through a simplified application that will not take into account many of the details required for standard life insurance. When you are applying for a life insurance cover, you need to fill out a questionnaire and with most policies it is accompanied by the results of a medical test. When you decide to buy the no medical plan, you c

Is Suicide Covered By No Medical Exam Life Insurance?

As people continue to look for insurance coverage for their different needs, one question that keeps coming up is whether the insurance policy covers suicide. Death of a family breadwinner can be very devastating and it can be even more so if the cause is suicide. Anyone who decides to take their own life can leave the family in a very bad financial position because insurance companies balk at making payments in this situation. Insurance without testing If you are looking for insurance coverage and you do not want to go through medical testing, you can buy no medical exam life insurance. This insurance is available fast and conveniently because you do not have to make an appointment and wait for the results of the medical test. Life insurance plans come with different conditions and those that do not require medical exams are still a novelty in many circles. People are still getting used to the idea that they do not have to go through examinations before they can get the coverag

Life Insurance for Diabetics: A Few Facts & Considerations

Individuals with serious medical problems, for example, diabetes (both type 1 and type 2), regularly find that they are turned down for life insurance in view of their condition of their physical well being. There are two sorts of diabetes which individuals create. There is childhood diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, otherwise called adult onset diabetes. Not every diabetic person will be denied coverage or pay high life insurance premiums. Much the same as some other medical problem, acquiring life insurance on the off chance that you are a diabetic includes various factors that contingent upon how genuine your condition is and how well you're overseeing it. A few elements that are considered while applying for life coverage as a diabetic: Are you dependent on insulin? Numerous individuals can control their blood glucose levels through a blend of watchful meal planning and exercise. Diabetics who are not dependent on insulin may pay less in premiums contrasted with the in