Basics of Obtaining No Medical Exam Life Insurance Quotes

Life insurance companies allow buyers to get insurance for themselves or for other people, as long as insurable interest exists. Generally, insurable interest exists between parents and children, spouses and siblings. If you rely on someone for financial support, an insurable interest exists. If you have parents who will depend on you to pay their final expenses, including medical bills, burial and funeral expenses, you may consider buying a cover on your parents. No medical insurance plans are recommended highly for persons with preexisting medical conditions and/or persons who are in urgent need of insurance. The basics of obtaining no medical exam life insurance plan include:

Apply for insurance

These insurance plans are increasingly becoming better options because they allow for a quick application process. The application process allows you to get no medical exam life insurance quotes. Insurance shoppers can make their application online or through the phone. The application form contains several basic questions that applicant are expected to give answer to, including their age, weight, height, gender, occupation, hobbies, state of residence and smoking habits. Some carriers issue applicants with a health application form, which they are expected to fill, but without a medical exam. Once you have submitted your application form, you can expect to receive feedback within 24 hours.

Compare quotes

The insurance plans certainly are not for everyone because they are more expensive, compared with medically underwritten plans. However, if you are unwilling and/or unable to take a medical exam or have been denied the traditional insurance policy, such a plan is the best choice. Shopping and comparing no medical exam life insurance quotes grants you the ideal opportunity to find products that have been priced competitively. Nevertheless, be weary of basing your decision solely on price. Make sure to buy from an "A" listed, financially stable company. In addition, the company should have been in existence for many years. You can count on a reliable company to be around many years to come. In addition, the company will be able to honor your claims without unnecessary delays.

Pay down payment

Once you have been qualified for insurance and have found a plan that meets your needs, you may consider making your payments. Most companies allow policyholders to pay with a savings account, credit card or debit card. You can change the payment option by logging into your insurance plan. If you have chosen a monthly payment option, you may need to make a down payment on your policy. However, if you pay in full, the whole amount will be charged to your account. The down payment depends on the company and the individual policy.


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