Medical Examinations That Most People Need

One of the effective ways of keeping your body's health at par is having regular medical screening. The best way to make you understand it better is imagining it as a basic car maintenance. Similar to the way you check the car engine, oil and tire pressure to keep it running safe, you get the same benefits with medical screening. In other words, there are key aspects of body and health that you need to know to stay safe and sure. Here is a look at some of the health areas that need your full attention.

Level of cholesterol

Cholesterol constitutes of fatty protein that mainly builds up in the arteries. The more you consume foods with high cholesterol, the higher the chances of having more cholesterol build-up in the arteries. Therefore, it is essential to know the amount of cholesterol that may be present on your arteries to avoid future or unexpected health implications such as heart attacks or high blood pressure. Consequently, add this to your medical list from today and watch your worries drop down.

Blood pressure

For many people, this may sound simple; however, it has great significance to your present and future health alike. In fact, statistical reports show that elevated blood pressure exists in one adult out of every five adults. Therefore, in a population of 5 million people, this implies that 1 million are at risk of health implications associated with high blood pressure. High blood pressure exerts stress to the heart to work a lot more than usual exposing you to the risk of heart attack and stroke. Once again, note this down on your medical list as you read further.

Screening for diabetes

Different people have bodies with various glucose tolerance behaviors. In fact, doctors actually carry out the screening by looking at the body's glucose tolerance (how the body absorbs or fails to absorb sugar) and give their verdict after the screening is over. For seniors, this is often essential because their body organs become slower and may not perform body activity like before. Apart from considering no medical exam life insurance for seniors to avoid dispensable cost, taking the initiative to know their blood sugar level will suffice for healthy and stress-free living.

Density of bones

Osteoporosis is the term that medical experts use to refer to lose of bone strength. The shocking truth is that nearly 9 million people suffer from the affliction of osteoporosis globally. Deep research indicates that at the age of 50 and above, men will likely break a hipbone or get a vertebral fracture due to osteoporosis. When people age, the rate at which calcium leaches from their bones causing weakness increases making them susceptible to osteoporosis. This medical check-up is highly recommended for seniors above 60s as it is common in this phase of life.


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