Why People Are Taking Up No Medical Exam Life Insurance

Although generally expensive when compared to the old traditional life insurance cover, taking up a no medical exam life insurance cover is appealing to many not only because of its convenience but also because of its flexibility and benefits that it comes along with. People who have been barred from taking cover from the old policy should consider approaching this policy due to the numerous merits that it comes with.

Health Status

A person suffering from a death threatening health condition such as cancer is less likely to be insured by a company offering the old traditional policy since the probability of the risk happening is higher. Thus, the company does not want to suffer the loss. However, this policy does not limit anyone, no matter their health condition, though the premiums are higher to cover the risk.


Do you want the cover given to you fast? You do not have to be worried. Whereas taking a cover through the traditional policy may take you up to even 3 months, surprisingly, this policy may end up taking only a few minutes. The elimination of the previously mandatory exams has made the process less stress free and quicker than before.

Ease of acquiring the policy

In some cases all you need is an internet enabled computer or mobile phone. Due to its flexibility, many companies are offering their quotes online for easy application and acquisition. Hence, you do not have to walk or drive from firm to firm looking for an insurance cover for you and your family.

Online comparison

One of the best news about online application is the fact that insurance brokers have made it easier for one to compare the various quotes offered by different companies under a single web page. Hence, you can easily get genuinely good deals without having to move from office to office in search of affordable quotes.


Many people who have approached some of these companies that are offering the traditional policy, where there are inclusion of mandatory physical exams, have been frustrated to figure out that they do not qualify for these covers due to factors such as their health conditions, their lifestyle and their places of residence. However, in the case of the new stress-free policy where there is emission of the exams, such factors as health status and mode of living cannot lock you out of the covers.


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