Group Health Insurance Plans Now Made More Affordable

If your Business has ever considered the ability to offer your Company (spouses & children optional) Employer Group Medical Insurance, now is a great time to look into this new affordable availability. With the new Patient Protection Health Care Reform Act, all Companies small to large are being given a sizable Business Income Tax Credit for providing Group Medical Insurance to their Company Staff.

This is not just a company Tax Deductible Business Write-Off Expense but an additional Tax Credit!

As you may know, all applicants with in your employer group may not be turned away for plan acceptance due to a pre-existing health or medical condition if anyone within your Company is having trouble obtaining Major Medical Health Coverage at this time. They are Independent Health Brokers specializing in Employer Groups who hold Carrier Appointments with Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, HealthNet, CIGNA, & Kaiser Health to offer you the most in plans choices.

In order to qualify for these PPO or HMO Group Health Insurance Plans, a simple majority of the working members in your Company must be reside in the State your Company is domiciled. Next, at least 75% of the eligible employees, working over 20 hours per week, must either accept the Group Insurance Plan of choice or have an alternative Major Medical Health Plan in place, say though their spouse's group insurance plan for example. Finally, in order to qualify the Company employer must contribute a minimum of 50% for the payment of the Group Health Plan total premium. Which again will generate a sizable business tax credit.

These Group Benefit Plans can also be supplemented by newer Group Health Plan options with Health Nation offering 24/7 telephone or internet webcam access to a licensed medical physician capable of prescribing medicine for you to pick up at your local pharmacy to go along with an enhanced Prescription RX discount card with the Plan. In addition these plans can now be supplemented with Washington National Insurance offering Hospital only benefits to help reduce the individual plan deductible for group members allowing for greater combined group affordability as possibly desired.

Also they can provide your Company with great Group Dental Plans that will work with no waiting periods so you can see the Dentist on the Plan right away. In addition new Group Retail Benefits are now being offered at virtually no cost to the Employer. These Retail Group Benefits provide needed additional group benefits in the form of cash back for your Employer Group members when shopping online with over 5,500 name brand merchants offering over 300,000,000 products and services.

Even if your Company is currently enrolled with an employer Group Health Plan or would like more information with these amazing new group Retail Benefits, they will be happy to provide your Business with information and an alternative no charge comparative quote. So if your Company would like more help as to what extent this Tax Credit and other Group Benefits may best apply for your Business, Health First Insurance Services at will have the answers for you!


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